User interface and user experience are two intermixed words. They have greater potential when used. When they come together they have uncontainable potential. To make head-turning app/applications development possible. More than anything, the work is creative and interesting. As per any creative person’s perspective. UI designer skills enhance your project design. Wondering what is difference between UI/UX? It is playing with colors and designs.

Do you want to earn and work that brings a smile to your face and creativity in your soul? Becoming a UI – UX designer or a member of a top UX/UI design agencies in Singapore is for you then. A little determination with hands-on courses and skills is a good idea to move ahead with!

Check out our checklist for the skills that make you a UI-UX designer:

Market trends are to be well researched before coming up with any wireframe or a prototype. Research is a well-known element that helps to add the right elements to any workpiece.

A meticulous and well-thought research process brings right and well-to-do results. UX/UI designers bring theme collaborating and concept fitting designs to the table.

2. Collaborating

A UI-UX designer has loads to do when it comes to finalizing one project. We all need helping hands and that could help us with various needs of the project. Needs like code, design, manage projects, understand product and marketing. Collaboration means more experimentation hence more ideas. Thus something new, innovative, and exciting is inevitable.

3. Setting up the base

Wireframing and prototyping is an unavoidable phase for any UI/UX. The phase is to understand the potential functionalities of your UI/UX design. Right before the developers get to build it. This allows you to bring forward the potential design elements. Or highlight the things that you, as a potential UI/UX designer would like to do.

4. UX writing

One of the unsung heroes of UX designing is UX writing. Open any app that you love and notice how very few words bring you in alignment with the use of the app.

The use of few words with apt meaning makes it easy for anyone to understand what the app is all about. UX/UI writing is not only about code. This is also about writing a copy that speaks well to your customer’s mind.

5. Visual communication

Humans are visual creatures and they live by what they see! Brushing up UI design skills is a great help in UX designing. Well-thought UI design skills are helpful. Create interactive prototypes and mock-ups to build up impact on the users. This one includes everything. From the planning of white space to make elements look clickable. Simply everything!

6. User’s empathy

Putting yourself in the end user’s shoes makes it easy for UX/UI designers. they get to know what their customers need. Not being able to relate well with the end-users leads to failure in the designing process.

Helpful research methods help to understand how end-users will behave with our application. Failing in this might lead to a big gap in the process.

7. Interaction design

It helps to bring the results related to the user’s interaction with the design. This one falls more on the side of creating a list of results when iterating the user interactions. The phase is more about making a note of whether to include a scroll bar or a swipe feature. What would be more pleasing for the customers?

Proper research helps with designs codes and facts to bring up a better app/application UI/UX design.

8. Coding

Learning coding along with designing is not a big thing. It presents even more possibilities to collaborate well with your work. You don’t need to be a full-stack developer. But you can do a little coding that would add more to your design strategy and stuff.

9. Analytics

Analytics is a helpful tool in knowing where your design is going. Many UI/UX designers are afraid of percentages and numbers. Trust us using them would be helpful to come up with brilliant user savvy design ideas.

10. Communication

Research and designing skills get added value when UI/UX designers work along with communication skills. Designs and presentations need explanations along. The need is sure to explain the design details to people from non-design backgrounds.

People from finance and business backgrounds need good explanations for designs. They might be more interested in UX/UI cost calculation, more than the design itself.

Learn helpful UI/UX tools and provide a complete package to the company looking for a UI/UX designer. Need help in your journey? Count on our experienced Team!