Having read the title, you already know what all we are going to dig about, in this one. So, how has python affected your life? In what ways python has become an integral part of your life, despite you hailing from a non-technical background?

If we are not wrong, your daily life revolves around these apps and them around Python!

  1. Instagram
  2. Spotify
  3. Reddit
  4. Pinterest
  5. Uber
  6. Dropbox

Python, one of the general-purpose high-level interpreted programming languages helps programmers to write clear and logical code.

The project can be small scale or large scale, the code for which is readable, due to the use of significant indentation.

But the question is, why you and I are discussing Python and not any other language?

We can juggle up talks and hold discussions for many other languages as well. But here are the discussion related facts:

  1. 2019 witnessed Python as the top programming language.
  2. Top leaders like Instagram, Facebook, and IBM have been using Python and give us major goals to know, how python can suit yours and my projects too.
  3. Python keeps adding more tutorials and hence remains the number one language of the date.


With all these facts on the table, let us accept it, Python is one of the most debated languages on the table and we don’t want to miss our chance of using one of the helpful languages.

Here is all that you should know about python before choosing to code with it!

  1. Python is a backend programming language and is amazingly fit for beginners.
  2. Python is easier to understand and hence easy to use.
  3. Suitable language to bridge the gap between business and development.
  4. Versatile enough to code for any kind of application: ranging from forecasting analytical to UI.
  5. Quicker to implement a python application, as it supersedes the need to declare variable types.
  6. The language provides Python programs that are quick to market, as compared to C#/Java.
  7. Talking about support, its community can be taken as one of the finely growing ones!
  8. Python machine learning and analytical packages are ample to learn from!
  9. The syntax is very similar to English, thus we don’t have to look for the symbols’ meaning when we work with Python.

The shady sides of Python

Before you decide your side, we believe in putting all the sides of the story in front of you. So what are the shady sides of Python that are not enough to overcome its positive sides?

There you go!

  1. You will find it comparatively slow as compared to other languages like Java. All due to line-by-line interpretation of code norm. So you won’t use it for applications that need to be speedy. 
  2. Building an application that would require you to make it memory optimization? Python might spoil your game, as python programming uses a large amount of memory.
  3. Leave Python if your need is to build a mobile application. Due to less speed and less memory optimization, you cannot rely on Python to help your mobile application needs.
  4. It lacks in its nature to access database well, all due to its underdeveloped and primitive database access layer, as compared to JDBC and ODBC, the popular ones.
  5. Python being a dynamically types language allows the data types of a variable to change. This can lead an integer to change in a string in the values of variables, leading to run time errors.

Having said that then comes the dilemma, shall I use Python or not! Or shall I use python just for a few projects, if yes then which ones?

The dilemma about using Python!

Many people might have heard, “Python could not be used for complex enterprise apps.” Now, this notion is not inappropriate as well, because, with time, we might have witnessed a lot of change in Python due to the various updates.

But dating back to earlier times, people might have witnessed a lot of difficulties, while some thought Python is a mere tool in front of many other prevalent languages, some thought Python is a favorable one, for counting the various end-user benefits.

In such situations, finding oneself confused is not a big thing, but let us stick to the process and know what way an enterprise app coding should turn out to be: we should stick to Python or should go towards some other language demands.

What does an enterprise look for, in its software development process?

An enterprise looking forward to supporting its clients has many dreams and aspirations when it comes to the notion of software development. Enterprise software development is a greater responsibility that comes with even greater expectations.

Whether you pick a simple application or pick a complex one, each application demands vision, expertise, and a solid experience in application development. Calling for such development processes, here are few things an Enterprise’s Software Development process would call for:

  • Scalability

Enterprises have a high usage rate. And not to doubt at all, within a year or so, this usage rate will get double up, in short, more number of users.

A logical scaling up would be required periodically to meet the rising user demands. And this cannot be done, after spending a while on the platforms or apps. This has to be planned since the initiation of the project and we need to know the scope of the application’s scalability since day 1! 

  • Security

Enterprise apps handle loads of confidential data. This remains out of the question to not consider the security breach possibilities. The need to avoid security breaches is not only for the possible betterment of the end user’s comfort, this also involves the need to meet safeguarding the enterprise’s reputation in front of the clients and the market.

  • Access of Data

Enterprise apps handle the data exchange cycle, more than once and to be precise, n number of times. As we keep going for data exchanges, the real-time data exchange from remote locations brings difficulty in the process.

Thus there is a sure need to handle and provide for secure and careful data exchange systems. Thus counting on a successful enterprise application management system has always been a need.

  • Skillset

The right skill set is a necessity to keep the application running in the right direction. We just do not need the right sort of application, we also need the right skill set as well, to manage the application in terms of upgrading and bring in the effective and needed changes.

The lack of a proper skillset will lead us into a situation that will hamper the seamless running of the application. We also need to bring into consideration if the technology stack that we are looking into, is quite old, we might not get great community support to get the needed requirements settled.

In lack of adequate community support, we would find it extremely difficult to find the right skill set to manage the application.

  • Operational Efficiency

Enterprise software is in the game to enhance and simplify lives. Be it tedious tasks or be it the need to improve workforce efficiency, we desire to bring smooth, easy, and efficient applications to the table.

The speed and performance of any application, are the key factors to consider when it comes to enhancing the operational efficiency of any application.

App performance or the operational efficiency of the app is one of the key factors to determine the enterprise software’s efficiency.

  • Integration with Existing systems

Any enterprise would already be having pre-developed apps that are already doing great in the business. The newly developed applications need to assimilate well with the pre-developed ones and shall bring up amazing results without interfering in the smooth and seamless performance of the application, on the whole.

  • Development Time

Enterprise software needs an ample amount of time to bring them on the shelf. Though enterprise software requires thorough and thorough, thought processes and bringing such applications on the shelf needs time with creativity.

Though we can mention, we need time in crafting such apps, but being easy on this part and not being able to develop things well within time, will bring a delay in the process.

This in turn will question the value creation process and progress of the Software development enterprise.

Since we already noticed what all things an enterprise might be for, while deciding to have a coding set up, let us dig into why an enterprise would set their deal on Python!

How python does bridge the gap between enterprise and its vast coding needs?

  • Due to its high Scalability

Python supports a large range of tasks that can be both procedural and functional. This also supports object-centered paradigms. Python’s accessible approach and the interpreted language help developers to code functions quickly along with the creation of large-scale scripts.

The development costs are reduced as it does not rely on using a different language to build a larger solution. 

  • Due to a large library that supports python

Having access and support from large libraries means, you can access modules from libraries that are already tried and tested.

By tried and tested software, we mean you have access to ways wherein you can code much faster without sacrificing the quality and features.

Libraries that support python are:

  1. Pandas: Various analysis modules are a help for the developers along with the High-performance data structures.
  2. Numpy: This helps to accomplish all your mathematical and scientific computing needs.
  3. Tensorflow: Released by Google allows the developers to create Deep Learning features and modules like image recognition and detection
  4. Keras: Developers find this helpful for machine learning and it is used in Python for writing neural networks.
  5. Scikit-learn: Helpful for data analysis, machine learning, and mining.
  • Due to its fast prototyping

Python’s fast development speed helps in bringing better gains on the surface that helps in those projects that need to check their viability.

Using Python makes it easy and quick to move from prototype to a solution phase and while ding s, we do not lose any sort of work or information.

  • Due to its ease in being deciphered

Python’s syntax is very similar to English and hence it is way easy to decipher. Thus making it easy to write and the whole process becomes intuitive.

It’s not only easy to understand and write but even if you want to check the code written by others, you can do it so well.

  • Due to its extensive open-source network

Developers enjoy a vast array of free tools that are highly useful when working with Python. If you desire to work with GUI interfaces, data science, web development, game development, image processing, and computer vision, the extensive open-source network of Python, is an amazing option to hold onto.

The plethora of free tools open the extensive help that developers can get with this facility. 

  • Due to the comfort that python brings in the process

Enterprise applications need to be robust and reach the shelf pretty timely. When we work on enterprise solutions, we desire our team to be focused and finish things well in time.

Choosing python helps us to be focused due to its easy syntax and frequent additions and upgrades happening in the language, keeping it up to date!

Reasons industrialists count on python:

  1. Its easy-to-use syntax makes it favorable to code quickly and review well. a great reason for enterprises to depend on, when they desire less time to market.
  2. It’s free! Why would not any enterprise approach it for cost-cutting?
  3. Proven technology for enterprise software development. This is evident by its use in Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Spotify, Facebook, Quora, Instagram, and many more.
  4. No chance of being stuck in a project with no help. The helpful community is always round the corner to assist and help your developers. Thus no chance of not being able to complete any project!
  5. Enterprises cannot stick to just one kind of solution provider. They stick to a range of solutions and they prefer Python, due to its versatility of being used with Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems. It can also be run in some embedded systems (Gumstix, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black, and more).
  6. The gentle learning curve allows the enterprise’s whole team to learn Python and provide solutions quickly and easily.
  7. Python’s popularity account for various solutions that you get in case you find yourself stuck in any glitch.

Every language has its pros and cons. It would not be right to say Python just does well over the others. Because there are cases wherein Python just cannot make it up and Java, JavaScript, etc. take up the call.

The notion here is not to bring down a particular language over the other. The need is to recognize what needs as an enterprise you have and whether Python would be the right bid for your enterprise’s project or not.

This can be difficult to talk about if your team is not savvy with technical terms. ICore Singapore has been counseling Business owners, in terms of technology to bring the best business coupled with robust technology.

Are you willing to know, what is best for your project?

Our technical team can assist you. Or if you were looking for some doubts, that the write-up already helped you with, would you mind sparing a minute or so and showing some love on the post.