DrolMaa is a groundbreaking inventiveness that brings a varied group of female mental health specialists together involving therapists, psychologists, healers, counselors, special educators and life coaches. This cooperative effort basically referred to as “DrolMaa Constellation,” that looks out to transform emotional, mental and psychological health by means of tailored, general ways.


Key Features


Our dynamic workshop feature hands on sessions that include huge range mental health topics. These all workshops are created to equip you with practical techniques and tools in order to improve your mental health and it is conducted by our experienced professionals. Please join us to acquire valuable insights and get engaged in interactive happenings concentrated on personal healing and growth.

Live Webinar

Join our live webinars to connect with mental health professionals in real-time. Casing a wide spectrum of subjects, these all webinars provide you an opportunity to learn, receive instantaneous feedback and ask questions. Improve your knowledge and skills from comfort of your home.


Please Visit our online shop to discover a curated choice of mental health products. From wellness tools to self-help books, our shop provides resources in order to assist your journey towards a better mental health. Explore our whole range of products crated to promote mindfulness, relaxation and overall health.

Training / Courses

: Register in our inclusive courses and training to improve your personal and professional development. Our programs are created to offer in depth knowledge as well as practical skills across a number of aspects of mental health. Our courses provide valuable learning experience weather you are a practitioner or looking out for personal growth.

Our Experts

Meet our team of certified and dedicated metal health experts. Each expert brings a particular set of skills as well as experiences, making sure of customized support and care. Browse through our professional’s profiles to search the right practitioner for your requirements. With DrolMaa, you are not only requiring a service, you are acquiring a partner in your journey of mental wellness.

Problem Statement

ABC Corporation, a mid-sized manufacturing company, faced a significant decline in production efficiency, experiencing a 20% drop in output over the past year. This decline led to missed deadlines and increased operational costs, negatively impacting customer satisfaction and profitability. To address this issue, ABC Corporation adopted lean manufacturing principles and invested in comprehensive employee training programs. The implementation involved process mapping, waste elimination, and conducting workshops, utilizing lean manufacturing software and hiring a consultant. As a result, production efficiency increased by 30%, and operational costs were reduced by 15%. Key metrics showed a decrease in production time per unit from 10 hours to 7 hours and a reduction in defect rates.

Possible Solution

Process Mapping: Conducting a detailed analysis of existing production processes to identify inefficiencies and areas of waste. Employee Training: Implementing extensive training programs to educate employees about lean principles, new technologies, and best practices. Technology Integration: Upgrading machinery and integrating advanced manufacturing software to streamline operations and enhance productivity. Continuous Improvement: Establishing a culture of continuous improvement through regular feedback sessions and performance reviews.


Acknowledgment of Current Challenges

Understand and acknowledge the existing challenges faced by employees, such as tight deadlines, increased workload, and frustration due to inefficiencies in production processes. Recognize the impact these challenges have on their morale and job satisfaction.

Validation of Concerns and Feedback

Validate employees' concerns and feedback regarding the current state of production efficiency. Show empathy towards their experiences and frustrations, demonstrating that their voices are heard and valued in the decision-making process.

Recognition of Efforts and Contributions

Recognize and appreciate the efforts and contributions of employees towards meeting production targets despite the challenges they encounter. Celebrate their achievements and hard work, fostering a sense of pride and motivation within the workforce.

Emphasis on Work-Life Balance

Acknowledge the importance of work-life balance and the impact that excessive workload and inefficiencies in production can have on employees' well-being. Express a commitment to addressing these issues to create a healthier and more supportive work environment.